2023 New Constructs

“Surfing”  2023 Acrylic on masonite, inlay to wood construct. 33″H.X 28″W.


“Septième” 2023 Acrylic paint on masonite cutout, inlay to wood construct. 44″H. X 27″W.



“Sixième Pièce”  2023 Mixed-media,  Acrylic paint, paper and linoleum tile laminated to masonite, inlay to wood construct.   36″H.x 27.5″W.



“Cinquiéme” 2023 Mixed-Media, Acrylic on masonite inlay to wood construct. 37″H. x 23.5″W.



“Blue blew in my room” 2022 Mixed-Media, Acrylic on canvas and masonite, MDX board and wood construction. 39”H. X 20” W. X 2” D.



“Bang” 2022 Mixed-Media, Acrylic on canvas and masonite, MDX board, crushed can and metal ruler inlay in a wood construction. 36”H. X 23.5” W. X 2” D.



“Sailing” 2022 Mixed-Media, Acrylic on canvas and masonite, Wood and metal ruler inlay to wood construction. 36”H. X 24.5” W. X 2” D.



“Between here and there” 2022 Mixed-Media,  Acrylic paint on canvas, MDX board and masonite. 39”H. X 23.5” W. X 2” D.



“Hatred darkens life, Love Illuminates Life”  2020 Assemblage,  Digital prints laminated to exact masonite cutouts with aluminum ruler inlay to linoleum tiles. 4822″ W.  X  2422″ H.



“XXX” 2020 Assemblage. Digital prints laminated to exact masonite cutouts, with wood and metal ruler inlay to linoleum tiles.   48W.X 24H.



“Blue Ice” 24 x 24 Prints laminated to masonite cutouts, paper and aluminum ruler inlay to linoleum tile.



“Green Fold” 24 x 24 Prints laminated to masonite and metal ruler inlay to linoleum tile.



“Patch of Blue”  24 x 24 Prints laminated to exact masonite cutouts, and aluminum ruler, inlay to linoleum tile.



“Red Ice”  24 x 24 Prints laminated to masonite and aluminum ruler inlay to linoleum tile.